Monday, February 2, 2009

Tanjung Pinang, Indonesia

This weekend the group went to an Indonesian island named Bintan. We have such rough lives here laying by the pool in between classes, so it was nice to sit by the beach and relax.

Welcome to the beach!

We got to stay on a shack on the beach. It was great not traveling anywhere - just wake up and nap in the sand. The picture on the left is part of the hut we stayed in. There were four separate rooms of two. My room is the one over the water :) The picture on the right is the view out of my window. It was great falling asleep at night listening to the water under us.

Here is my roommate for the trip, Stephanie, showing
off our sleeping(left) and shower(right) arrangements. We had a luxury room- most the others didn't even have a shower head, just the bucket and a scoop. It was nice, the water wasn't even too cold.


Kay said...

Wow! This might have to go on the wish list of places to see and do. In a way it reminds me of those places over the water in Bermuda. So I call that roughing it in a very fun way!

Love you (but I still prefer the cold!)-Mommie

tin can photography said...

Great fun!!!

VanessaMarie said...

Carly I must say I am pretty jealous about your living arrangements... how fun it must be to sleep in a little wooden hut on a beach, and shower standing in a pail! haha Looks like you're having a lot of fun : )

Sarah&Jason said...

beautiful carly! looks like tons of fun. soak it up, my dear! love you!

Cathy Logan said...

You are soooo cool. I'm proud to know you! Have fun and stay safe.